
Showing posts from April, 2022

How Can Hyperlocal Air Quality Data Help Real Estate Companies?

  In real estate, geography is undeniably important in the sales process: The property's view, safety, and accessibility may be more important to buyers. But there's another aspect to consider, typically overlooked and only becomes apparent after a buy: air pollution. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), outdoor air pollution causes 4.2 million deaths. With 90% of the world's population breathing dirty air, the option to choose a home regarding the air quality data is a vital resource. How Can Accurate Air Quality Data Benefit Real Estate Firms? When purchasing a property, there are several factors to consider. Those looking for a new house seek as much information about the property. The more attention to detail that real estate businesses pay to the specifics, the more likely they are to complete a sale because clients think that the connection is a professional who cares - after all, a home is often the main contract one can make. Suppose you're a

What Roles Does Weather API Play in a Person’s Daily Life?

  Introduction Because man relied on climate and weather has undertaken a detailed examination of the numerous weather API elements. This entails careful observation, precise recording, and proper processing of climatic variables such as rainfall, temperature, humidity, winds, air pressure, clouds, etc.  Meteorology is the scientific study of the mechanisms and physical phenomena functioning in the earth's atmosphere to predict the weather, and meteorologists are scientists who research it. A forecast predicts weather conditions for a certain location or area at a specific time. Weather forecasts are distributed to the public via newspapers, radio, television, the internet, and other media. Short-range forecasts are accurate for up to 48 hours and detail the various weather elements & their projected variations throughout that time. Long-range forecasts refer to weeks, months, or a new season and imply the expected mean conditions from selected weather API elements